Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Tarantino Experiment

I imagine if you're reading this blog, you know who that guy in the suit is.  He's actually more responsible for 90's culture than I really want to admit and has been parodied in I dont know how many formats.  And for as long as I can remember, I've despised him.  He talks fast, he's a prick in most interviews I've seen, and he thinks he's the best director since before Spielberg went senile.

Ladies and Gentlemen, in this corner:

Standing at 6 feet and 1 inches and refusing to weigh in,  the director with molesters, the "I cant believe he's not on coke" poster child, the Fruit Brute fan, Mr. Shit, a gourmet coffee buying motherfucker....QUENTIN TARANTINO!!!!!!

And in the other corner:
Sitting at 1 foot 9 inches, weighing 79 pounds, The Kid with no left feet, The Legless wonder....OZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Ok that didn't come out as catchy as I wanted to because nothing came out sounding funny with directors.  Ah well.

My first experience with Tarantino was in high school when a good friend said "ZOMG WE HAVE TO WATCH KILL BILL!"  I have to admit, I didn't get it.  It was over the top, disgusting, and not all that entertaining at the time.  Things were also awkward with that friend at the time so I'm not going to pretend like it didn't influence my opinion of the movie. I was pretty closed minded to QT movies from then on.

So we fast forward to college.  I can't remember who recommended it but I saw Reservoir Dogs.  I refused to believe that was the same director.  I loved it.  Suddenly I thought "Perhaps I was hasty in my decision to not give this guy a chance."

A few weeks later at our dorm movie night, someone showed Pulp Fiction, the whole time telling me "This is the best movie ever made, even better than The Godfather."  With my body ready to evaluate against that bold statement, the movie began. Longest 2.5 hours ever.  The only thing I could think was "What the fuck was that?'

My next Tarantino experiences (however indirectly) were Sin City and Grindhouse.  I walked out of both.  Sin City because I was on a date, Grindhouse because I'm a pussy.  Yup I admit it, I can't handle horror with gore.

At this point I had decided "Yeah I'm done with Tarantino flicks."  Even if every one of my friends was going to a Tarantino endeavor it would be "Nah I'll just catch you guys next time."  I have no life, catching you next time shouldn't be in my vocabulary.  That was my level of hatred for this director's body of work.

Well, its a new year.  Its a time for change.  Also, I'm in a pretty big transitional period so I'm giving some things I didn't used to enjoy another chance.  New Year's Eve a friend and I were discussing Django Unchained.  I haven't seen it yet, due to my Tarantino allergy.  Well, she didn't directly challenge me, but told me to give some of the newer stuff (Inglourious Basterds, Django) a chance.  I took this challenge.  I'm going to either watch for the first time or re-watch Tarantino's directorial fare.  I'm not watching stuff he partnered on (Hostel), acted in (From Dusk Till Dawn), or only did a segment of (Four Rooms/Sin City).  We'd be here until next year if we did all of that stuff.  Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Kill Bill v1 and v2, Deathproof, Inglourious Basterds, and MAYBE Django Unchained if I can catch it before it's out of theatres.  I'm not going research the man and his past or listen to commentaries, aint nobody got time for that.  I'm basing this on what I can see/hear in the movies alone.  So Quentin, welcome back to the ring.  Maybe you can knock me out this time.

Stuck in the middle with you,

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