Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Movie 43

Let's look at this the poster hall we? Look at all those actors.  Some really big names there.  More gold in their Oscars combined than probably still exists in America.  Look at the smiles and quirky indie look.  This has to be the greatest, most feel-good, art house movie of all time right?
Wrong.  This is Movie 43.  Remember Kentucky Fried Movie which is just a series of hysterical skits?  Welcome to the 2013 version of the same idea.  No actor gets more than about 10 minutes of screentime.  The skits are loosely connected by an out of work Hollywood bum trying to sell this pitch to a studio.  Each scene gets more and more insane as he eventually holds the producer at gun and grenade point to continue pitching what may be the worst movie of all time, Movie 43. 

Now by worst, I dont mean unentertaining or unfunny.  I mean as over the top depravity as you can get.  Think Jackass if they weren't restricted by physics or hospital bills.  Thats how far this movie goes.

I really can't get into details without spoiling the entire movie so I'm going to list off some of the topics covered by the skits.
-Teabagged babies
-Incestuous and Gay Incestuous first kisses
-Supergirl's Bush
-Wonder Woman's abortion
-Dick Mutilation
-A young girl's first period
-Cat Piss
-Failed Relationships

If you want to see just how these topics all come together? Go see the movie.  I can't say it better than the guy whose review cemented my decision to see it.  

"The only reason I’m giving it 3 1 / 2 stars instead of four is because I don’t want to go to hell for loving it"-Michael O'Sullivan The Washington Post.

I'd probably give it 7 out of 10 cringe worthy moments.  Check it out if you're sick and twisted like me.

Decadent and depraved,

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