Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Drawn Together

So many failed Comedy Central Shows, so little time.

There was a time when Comedy Central was innovative and fresh. There was always something hysterical on between South Park, Chappelle's Show, and old SNL episodes.  There was even a point where The Daily Show was revolutionary in its irreverent approach to news.

Unfortunately that couldn't last and Comedy Central has tried for years to find their next "big" thing.  Based on the success of South Park, Comedy Central tried several other shows with the "cute" appeal of animation but "adult" content to make people horrified because NO ONE THINKS OF THE CHILDREN.  And actually I thought this one would work.

The idea?  Let's take 8 stereotypical cartoon characters (a comic book hero, a 'diznee" princess, a video game hero, a 70's crime solving sassy minority, a pokemon, a wacky kids entertainer, an internet short character, and a betty boop) and put them in a reality show setting.  For the first season, this show was hysterical.  Each episode was based on "very special" reality show staples like the girls getting drunk and hooking up, the reason a character couldn't have sex, the coming out episode, etc.  And it was funny.  The characters were consistent with their "archetypes" but at the same time vulgar and out of control, like most reality show stars.  Is it offensive? Most definitely.  They hit every racial, disability, and other stereotype imaginable. Is it in poor taste? Constantly.  Is it hilarious? Fuck yes.

Then we get into seasons 2 and 3...

While there are hysterical premises and ideas (the school board from School House Rock keeping the black man down with biased SAT tests is the highlight for me), the show became running gags rather than orignal.  Oh look, Toot self harms.  Xandir's a stereotypical gay.  Clara is racist.  Nothing changes.  While one necrophilia joke on the part of Captain Hero can be funny, keeping it going for 2 seasons makes it lose steam.  I kinda was playing Borderlands for the entirety of seasons 2 and 3 and dont feel like I missed a thing. It was rather disappointing after such a strong 1st season.

Then we jump to the movie.

The movie was funny, playing on the characters becoming self aware their reality show has been cancelled for several years yet no one had informed them.  Their discoveries of not getting bleeped and other things they can get away with in a straight to DVD movie lead to some hilarious conversations.  The journey of the movie takes you to various cartoon settings and delivers more of the characters you got used to (I'm not going to say love because if you love any of these characters you may be sick and twisted...ok you are sick and twisted.  So am I.).  It's short, but its well worth the time.

So overall?  Drawn Together failed to be Comedy Central's next big thing, but still is out there in the ether due to its stellar 1st season that created a cult following.  If you're looking for something to burn through you don't have to pay super close attention to, give it a look.  Any show that promotes itself with a lesbian kiss set to a song "This Black Chick's Tongue" is OK in my book.


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