Sunday, March 31, 2013

Bioshock: Infinite

Oh. . . shit. . . where to begin.

Of the legendary Bioshock series this is my first interaction, and holy fuck was it an impression.
The game was an absolute joy to play, with fluid action, and challenging enemies. Going from platform to skyline to platform, fighting all the way was a blast.
(I do suggest that if you are using a console that you change the control scheme to one that fits your play style, as the default scheme (at least on PS3) sucks asshole; I believe the one I used was called "marksman")

More amazing than that is the setting and story that the game takes place. The epic steampunky sky city of Columbia a sea of floating brick buildings and giant statues, with its' interesting concepts like, remembering the docking times of your favorite stores, robotic horses, giant cyborg men, and lets not forget true to era racism.
NEVER and I mean NEVER has a game worlds' characters and setting ever incited so much real rage in me. Being an atheist myself the already in your face extreme christianty and cultism had me a bit riled up, but the horrifyingly racist raffle scene that opens up the fighting had me yelling at my television and ready to burn that sky city to the ground.

That kind of thing is my bread and butter, and the main reason I play video games, I want a story that's immersive, well told, and interactive. Something that only video games can do, but sadly the well told part is usually lacking. The story is the pinnacle of this game, making it something that will be talked about a decade from now with reverence.

To spoil that story would be a disservice to you the reader on my part, but my one hint is during the very beginning of the game,  Pay very close attention to everything until you reach Columbia.

The plot itself revolves around you (as Booker Dewitt) trying to find and bring back the lovely, and highly dangerous, Elizabeth from a giant angel tower. All that stands in his way is religious crazies, anarchist rebels, an insane prophet, and a giant bio-mechanical man bird.

The story is further backed up by 80 hidden audio recordings hidden throughout the game, which I very much suggest you track down.

The whole game leads up to the last 25-30 min in which all your questions are answered.
The ending in true bioshock fashion totally blew my balls off, it was genius, utter genius storytelling that wag the answers in front of your face all along, like a flaccid dick. (make sure to watch until the credits end, this is HIGHLY important)
However this information comes at you fairly quickly and leaves little room for processing it, so I am providing a link to an article that fleshes that out expertly. (it even cleared up a few things for me)

full ending explanation   - do not read until after you finish the game!!!

Please do yourself a massive favor and pick up this game.


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