Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Arrested Development Resurrection

We say this prayer in honor of Netflix to bless our Media consumption.

You've made a huge mistake.

You haven't already watched all 4 (yes the new one too) seasons of Arrested Development.  You are what's wrong with our country.  Your lackadaisical attitude means the terrorists win.

Fine, I'll help you redeem your treasonous ways.

Why should you watch Arrested Development. Writing, acting, pacing, humor, love to hate and hate to love characterization, quotable lines, being a part of a cultural revolution.

Arrested Development was ahead of its time as a sitcom as America hadn't gotten used to shows like The Office and Parks and Recreation where quirkiness was encouraged.  A show based on this many characters, where none are a hero, just couldn't succeed back then. But it sure could create a cult following.  After 3 seasons (the final 2 being sabotaged by Fox..you have to wonder if Fox was purposefully cancelling good shows to make cult following they could then make bank on), the show was cancelled. I don't remember much uproar at the time, but when the internet began discussing it, it was pretty much unanimously agreed that Arrested Development no longer being on the air while Seth Mcfarlane got more shows (I'm a fan of his, but no one should have the entire animation block to himself) was a crime worthy of a hearing in Geneva.

So what's it about?  A family.  With lots and lots of problems.  The first episode begins with their family company being raided by the SEC, throwing the grandfather patriarch in jail as the rest have to adjust from their spoiled rich lifestyle to one with frozen assets and budgets.  I don't want to ruin too much, but each character will make you cackle at least once, and once you buy in, you'll be laughing almost constantly.  I've re-watched the 1st season a few times and it just gets funnier and funnier.  While 2 and 3 arent quite the same ( MR. F!), they still have all the qualities that made the first season great and you will continue to laugh.  Until recently, you would be sad after that as the show was finished.  Netflix has come out of the internet ether to revive it.  After 8 years of anticipation, was the wait worth it?


Sure its different.  Each episode is 40 minutes or so (messing with the pacing), the single character focus of each episode makes weird viewing as later on you see a section you've already seen from a different perspective.  But the key elements are there.  The characters are true to their earlier established traits.  They're trying to function with all of their lives falling apart around them. Almost everyone is back, side characters/cameos included (Henry Winkler, Martin Mull, Liza Minelli, Ron Howard as the Narrator, Carl Weathers, Andy Richter, Ben Stiller).  While it takes a while to get to them, the pay off moments all hit and its a fantastic continuation of the series.  The best part: it's just as funny as it was.  I was laughing for all 15 episodes and I'm excited for more.


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