Friday, July 26, 2013

The Binding of Isaac

What the fuck?

I had been hearing about this game for awhile, seeing only weird twisted references around the internet.

It got included in a humble bundle at some point so lo and behold I now own it.

So what's our story?  Isaac's mother is delusional and religious and basically listens to God telling her to throw her in son in the basement naked.  The game is Isaac trying to escape the monsters he sees in the dark of his mind. Or something like that.

Remember the original Legend of Zelda dungeons from NES?  This game is pretty much a fucked up love letter to those.  You run around as Isaac, destroying enemies with your tears, dungeon crawling to pick up keys, money, and bombs.

Did I mention this game is hard as fuck?  You know those indie games that sorta advertise "Look, you're going to die?"  This is one of them. Seriously, I havent made it past like the third level yet, and even then it was by virtue of luck.

But as fucked up as it all is and as keyboard crushingly difficult as it gets, there's something lovable about this game that'll make you want to keep trying, discovering new items and monsters along the way.

You can do a lot worse for the price, so give this one a look the next time it goes on sale for like a dollar.

Crying alone in a basement,

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