Friday, July 19, 2013

DC New 52: The Flash

Flash...Ahhhhhh *Freddie Mercury voice*

I dont care if it's not that flash, the joke had to be made.

My only exposure to The Flash since being a kid is what I've read on the internet and his appearances in other things I've read.  I've never actually sat down and read much of the adventures of Barry Allen, or Wally West, or whoever the hell is tapping into the speed force this week.

So the other day I decided to give the newly reset Flash series a shot.  And I am pleasantly surprised.

So basically the Flash is a forensic scientist working in the lab late one night, when his eyes beheld an eerie site.  Wait no, thats the monster mash. But anyway, lightning strikes, chemicals douse Flash, and suddenly he can run fast as shit...and im talking like faster than Superman fast (or dead even depending who's writing).  Also, in this go round he can "tap into" the speed force mentally and think fast as hell too.  Sound overpowered yet?

Except they do something here I didnt expect.  Most of Flash's foes are robbers with cheap tricks like freeze guns and glue called "The Rogues".  Surprisingly, The Flash almost doubles as "The Rogues" book as these guys tend to have a little more honor and backstory than your run of the mill street trash that Batman fights in your sleep.  Whenever The Flash's arc started to drag a little bit, we'd get a little dose of The Rogues and it would pretty much even out.  Whoever's idea it was to make them just as interesting as the main character needs a raise.  Like right now.

The story arcs so far in the New 52 follow Flash as he's learning about his powers and trying to fix some messes he makes, including a full scale Gorilla invasion.  Yes its absurd, but Flash almost seems more grounded in reality than other books.  His actions have repercussions, villains have motives, and even while Gorilla's have learned to move as fast as he does, it never reaches heights that make you go "uh what?"  Its really almost a callback to before when comics got all grimdark as the brightly colored symbol of hope fights the dark seedy underbelly of the world.

So if you haven't yet, give The Flash a look.  The Scarlet Speedster seems to be treated with respect in the new universe and his arcs are just good, old-school fun.

Never read flashpoint and never will,

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