Monday, June 3, 2013

Bud Light with Lime Limearita

A quick drink review!

Unfortunately I live in a state where liquor cannot be sold in the same place as beer and wine.  Being a liquor guy, this is a problem as I have to go out of my way to get stuff I enjoy.  So I'm at the grocery store the other day and see a display for new "BUD LIGHT WITH LIME LIMEARITAS".  Umm what?

The questions began.

Is it beer?  Is it a Margarita? How much alcohol is in it?  Can you drink it straight or do you have to mix it with liquor?  Will it suck like everything else I've had with the Bud Light branding on it? How much is it?

I looked at the price of 14 dollars and decided to wait to try one before buying 12 of the things.  I've been burned before buying booze I didn't like and it's hard to get rid of.

Well, at the Sister Hazel/Third Eye Blind Concert (see the review a couple of entries ago!), they pretty much had Bud Light or Lime-a-ritas as options.  Well, that made that choice for me as I paid 8 bucks for 1 cup of this concoction.

I was very pleasantly surprised.  Somehow the folks in St. Louis have canned a good margarita equivalent.  Despite their being no tequila in the can, you can taste it.  While confusing at first, that'd be the key thing I'd be worried about simulating and they figured it out.  Its crisp and slightly sour without it being so strong you couldn't drink it with a meal.  No weird aftertastes, and goes down pretty smooth.  Sweet. The only issues I've had are it looks disgusting (see picture on top of the blog) and it was fizzy and making me burp excessively but hey, all these bitch beers do that.  I'm not too concerned if that's the biggest problems.

But Oz a real Margarita is better! Yes, yes it is but you don't have access to ingredients at all times.  You also can't just 'pick up' Margarita necessities at any store in my state.

But Oz a real Margarita is stronger!  Folks, I'm a little under 90 pounds.  I love margaritas but they knock me on my ass.  Having a weak version (8% in the Lime-a-rita) isn't a bad thing.  I can drink this and still be able to drive home in a little while.

I'm not saying these things should replace traditional margaritas, but in a pinch where liquor is unavailable or you're in a hurry to pick something up for a party or cookout, this isn't a bad little concoction to give a little summer-y flair without having to spend 40-50 bucks on ingredients.

If it wasn't 8 in the morning I'd have one now.


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