Monday, November 18, 2013

Oz Re-watch: Shaun of the Dead

The poster says it better than I can.  A romantic comedy.  With Zombies.

 Sorry I've been gone folks, Its about time I give a little update.

Being a grown up blows.  I wake up early for work. My job isn't a "leave it at work" kind of job. I often have meetings, and extra work when I get home.  My free time is now taken by friends (on rare occassions), the S/O, and just a little bit of time for gaming.  I haven't really had time to write, even though I've seen a few things since.  I've become a boring grown up loser going nowhere.  There's a movie that speaks perfectly to that feeling, and here it is. Why not do one of my favorite Re-watches?

This is was one of the highest grossing "foreign" films of all time (until Hot Fuzz came out, next time on the Re-watch), and for good reason.

Simon Pegg and Nick Frost's bromance for the ages is always fucking hysterical.

The story? Lovable losers Shaun and Ed have been friends forever. The same week Shaun's life falls apart (his girlfriend dumps him, his roommate gives him an ultimatum, he realizes he's older than everyone at his job by almost 15 years), a zombie apocalypse breaks out.

Again this is one that if you read this blog and haven't seen it, you need to close it immediately and go.

Set against a backdrop of absurdist/surrealist horror, questions about life and our relationships with others come into play.  Hilarity ensues with pool cues.  Dogs can look up.  It gets deeper than you'd expect.

I've watched this so many times that I can practically act it out and I was even Shaun my senior year of college for Halloween festivities.  I never fail to hurt from laughing, and each time I see a bit of new reference, foreshadowing, or just flat out sheer fantastic filmmaking.  This is a movie that stands the time test.  It also begins the Coronetto trilogy which just makes it that much more immortal.  Whenever I upgrade to Blu-Ray or whatever the media after it is, this will be one of my first 5 purchases.

Short yes. Why? Because I can't say anything that hasn't already been lauded on this perfect facet of humor and writing. Enjoy it folks.

Eating slices of fried gold and red on him,

1 comment:

  1. hey nice post mehn. I love your style of blogging here. The way you writes reminds me of an equally interesting post that I read some time ago on Daniel Uyi's blog: Skills To Impress People .
    keep up the good work.

