Sunday, August 4, 2013

Oz Re-Watch: Firefly

So if you see this review and don't immediately say "I should watch Firefly again," you're in the wrong place.

Take my love take my land take me where I cannot stand...

I dont care, They still took Firefly away from me.

By me, I mean us.

Yes, I'm still bitter, as is everyone else who's ever watched the show.

Here's what you need to know about Firefly: Its written by Joss Whedon.  Its about space smugglers.  It stars Nathan Fillion and an excellent supporting cast.  It has a great sci-fi meets western vibe.

If you haven't seen it, why are you still reading this?

Lets share my Firefly journey here.

I, as many, missed it on the first go round.  Fox didn't advertise it well, put it in a horrific timeslot, and aired episodes out of order (which is a cardinal sin in a Joss written series).  I had faintly seen commercials for it, but at the time I didnt really know about the epicness that was anyone involved with this show so I promptly ignored it.  It was 2 years before I ever heard talk of it again.

We fast forward to college and I watched A LOT of movies. We had an excellent indie video store with anything you'd ever want, and a chain place with great selection and low prices.  I was constantly just going down the racks, grabbing anything I hadn't seen, and often resorting to asking the hipsters that worked in the indie place for more recommendations.  A friend of mine was like "You have to see Serenity. Its so good!"  I'd like to point out: she never told me Firefly needed to be watched beforehand or that it was a continuation of a great TV series.  I saw the movie and was like "huh...seemed cool but its like they thought I knew these characters already.  Wasnt great because of that" and I moved on with my life.

Well about a year later, my friend reveals to me that piece of information she had forgotten to share and one night we end up watching the first two episodes.  I still wasn't hooked.  I liked it well enough, but not enough to understand the cult following behind it.

Another year goes by and I've started my catching up on TV I missed trend.  The one that came up most was Firefly, I acquired it, and then proceeded to devour all 13 episodes in 2-3 days. From then on, I was a browncoat.

For once I'm trying not to spoil anything, because the show is that good folks.  I want everything to be new and fresh and unexpected, because nothing is better than your first time through of Firefly.  Ok, maybe some things are, but its so rare that one season (especially a first season) gets it so perfect that it becomes immortalized with other classic shows.    Firefly deserves every bit of praise you've heard about it and more.

Me and the girl started watching it because she had never seen it.  And its still just as good on my fifth or sixth go. Hell even the effects dont look half bad for being 10 years old and on TV.

Now do my bidding, watch Firefly, buy the DVDs and comics, and maybe just maybe Nathan Fillion will be able to buy the rights to it and give us what we all crave: more adventures with Mal and company.

Aims to misbehave

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